Rural Mail Carrier (Photo from

Rural Mail Carrier (Photo from

In the Parisian region of France, the mail person rides a motorcycle to handle the deliveries. The bright yellow bike swings in and out of people’s driveways to drop off letters in the mailboxes.

In Sargeant, Minnesota (a town of less than 200 people), the mailman looks like a Harley Davidson biker with his bushy beard and baseball cap; but he drives a pick up truck. To say drive is an understatement. The mailman sits shotgun on the passenger seat to be within reach of the street lining mailboxes. Then, he reaches over to the left, grabs the wheel and drives on to the next house.

I haven’t figured out yet  how he manages the brake and gas pedals. It would be so much easier for the US Post Office to order cars from England. The English cars come with wheels on the right side. At least the rural mail personnel would no longer need to be acrobatic.