I just booked an airline ticket to attend a close friend’s wedding this weekend. My first American wedding in a long time. Comme une Africaine qui se respecte (sorry there is no real translation in English for this French expression)… like a typical procrastinating African, I did not plan ahead and waited until the lat minute to book my flight. Actually, M, the mother of the bride, called me and prompted me into action. It’s a good thing I am going, M said to me. I would have wasted close to a $1000 otherwise _ on food alone.

$150 per plate for the dinner rehearsal

$40 per plate for lunch the following day

$600 per plate on the wedding day.

600 dollars!?! An Iranian friend of mine said that plate could feed the whole of Africa. Well, I wouldn’t go that far! But I’m thinking $600 worth of food for me alone? I can’t wait to taste it. What will the food look like? Maybe it will have gold nuggets mixed in with the rice. I hope so; I’ll keep them as souvenirs.  In any case, I will have to film the 600-dollar food. Filming the eating experience will be a great excuse to present to my professor, since I will have to take 2 days off to attend the wedding.

Professor Gurdy, I will be filming in Florida for 2 days.

What will I film, you ask? A $600 plate of food.

Maybe that plate is a symbol of American weddings nowadays. I will find out.